Saturday, February 25, 2012

How I met a Ghanaian teacher in Woodbridge some years back

By Oral Ofori

Thompson explaining a point to a parent at Beville Middle School

Ruth Schrei is a very good friend that I met in Woodbridge Virginia. A couple years ago, I was visiting with her when she asked a favor of me to which I obliged. Ruth's grandchildren had a school event on the day I visited and since she had to be elsewhere, she asked me to accompany her twin grandchildren to the event as a chaperon.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Even death is not a good enough excuse for giving up!

By Oral Ofori

Nicole; 3rd right, with her foster wards in Trinidad and Tobago
So here is one of my everyday heroes, it's not Superman or Hajj Malik El-Shabazz who is also Malcolm X by the way, but it is Nicole Marchman, who at her age is a resilient, powerful and motivating foster alumni currently in a facility in Trinidad And Tobago where she is helping cater to young people in need of fostering and also helping to bring reforms to that country's policies on children and the provision of quality and appropriate care for those in foster facilities.

Friday, February 17, 2012

A taste for Ghanaian funerals and some strange burial practices of the world

By Oral Ofori

Yes those are actually coffins made in Ghana
Funerals are traditional rites that date back to creation. For many cultures across the world, they form part of the rites of passage performed to usher the dead into the spirit world or the afterlife. Funerals are deeply rooted in creation as these rites started to be respected and performed right from the days of Adam and Eve, or where ever the concept of creation starts for you as per your beliefs.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The burning desire of a young Cameroonian to effect positive change in Africa

By Oral Ofori

Recently, I've been talking to Michael Agbortoko in a bid to find out more about him and his passion for Africa’s development, I find him an intriguing young fellow with great dreams and ambitions that made me strongly feel the need to tell you about his passion. Michael is a graduate of Southbridge High School in Southbridge Massachusetts. He is currently pursuing an entrepreneurship degree at Assumption College in Worcester Massachusetts. He tells me he was very lucky to find out what he is passionate about at a very tender age--business innovating and a heart to help others.

Friday, February 10, 2012

AJ Babe: Ghana's 1st DJ to Mix both audio/video tracks promises to take the airwaves by storm

By Oral Ofori

It is always nice to see a childhood friend grow to become a great inspiration in your life. Augustine Jebor, aka AJ Babe is someone I grew up with side by side on the streets of Ghana's and one of Africa's first harbor city—Tema.

As far back as the late 1990's, Augustine had always fascinated me with his ability to make music with the most basic of instruments and equipments. It was he who made me believe in beat boxing and lip-syncing even before I ever knew these things actually had names.

This brother has a way with beats that will make any great beats maker want him on their team. So I wasn't surprised when he decided to nurture his talents at DJ'ing, MC'ing and radio presenting. Way before I left the shores of Ghana, AJ Babe was already a presenter on radio stations in both Kumasi; the capital of Ghana's Ashanti Kingdom and Accra, the capital City of Ghana.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Free resources for filing your tax claims in the USA

By Oral Ofori

Last year, I had a very good friend of mine work on my taxes for me, and owing to the fact that he did a very good job, I am obviously getting him to work on my tax papers for me this year too. Over the years, I have come to know Cherif Memene for his outstanding work both as a taxation, insurance and financial expert.

Therefore, in the spirit of giving, I have decided to let the cat out the bag by sharing the goodness of Mr. Memene with all of my loyal readers, especially those of you who reside here in the USA and are looking to gain the most out of this year's tax season.

Cherif was the one to frist make me aware of free online resources where one could go to work on their tax returns and if you just click on here you will find out more about this free online resource. Last year, I personally asked Cherif to do my taxes and he used Universal Accounting and Tax Services Incorporated (UNATS) to do it for me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Project Save Your Village or Town initiative of Ken Atta-Boakye

By Oral Ofori

Ken Atta-Boakye, pictured, is like an uncle of mine and even though we've known each other for barely half a decade, he has been able to leave a positive mark on me for the simple fact that he's always done his most to place Ghana on a much higher pedestal. Recently I've been speaking with Mr. Atta-Boakye about his efforts towards starting a movement of ideas that will encourage Ghanaians both at home and abroad to start working at lifting the image of the country.

One major draw back to the attainment of a Ghana filled with contented citizens is the lack of confidence in leadership and the brain drain situation. So diminished is the quality of leadership that a sound majority of Ghanaian youths find themselves without vision or motivation and are all looking for ways to leave the motherland. Despite the difficulties and the struggles involved in visa procurement, Ghanaians defy the odds and do everything possible to obtain visas to travel abroad to chase green pastures, forgetting that grass is greener at their feet.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Book Review – Campaign to Promote Civic Education in Ghana

The book: Campaign to Promote Civic Education in Ghana
Number of Pages: 108
Author: Ken Atta-Boakye
Publisher: KAB Publishers
Reviewed by: Oral Ofori

There is this common believe that people in Africa are so preoccupied with focusing on making it through their day by thinking on that which is most important as far as fending for themselves and family is concerned. As a result they barely make time for leisurely activities that are mentally stimulating. One example of such mentally stimulating activity is reading, so it therefore didn't surprise me much when Ken Atta-Boakye told me that he has been trying to get his book reviewed but was facing difficulties in achieving that simple purpose.

I offered to give the book a look and offer my take on it because the title was a major draw to my curious mind. Campaign to Promote Civic Education in Ghana seemed a somewhat long name for a book, but upon reading it, I realized that not only was this a good read, but it also had a name befitting of its contents. I know there is that popular belief that the best way to hide knowledge from a non-prying mind is to write about it in a book, this is because such minds are most likely not to turn the pages of that book. However, this is one book that I will urge one and all to make it a point to read carefully as its contents speak directly to the Ghanaian and above all, the African mind.